Welcome to Scrapbook Sketches by Scrapiopath

Need a little help with your scrapbook layouts? Looking for more inspiration or a premade design? New to scrapbooking? Or want to make a special card and need a quick design? Well, you've come to the right place.

Welcome to Scrapbook Sketches by Scrapiopath. Here you will find scrapbook layout and card sketches designed to get your creativity flowing. If you have scrapper's block or just need a little inspiration feel free to print out these sketches for your personal use. Be sure to send me an email with a copy of your layout or card and I will publish it here on the blog.

My name is Jessica Cowan aka Scrapiopath and I started designing sketches about 9 months ago for the ladies at the Scraps-n-Such community. Then I created this blog to share these creative sketches with you. I hope you find some great inspiration with these sketches and examples. Happy Scrapping!

Saturday, September 27, 2008


For this weeks sketch I decided to do things a little different. This sketch can be interpreted a couple of different ways making it pretty versatile. So here is the sketch:

And my rendition of it:

This is Pat's rendition:

Friday, September 26, 2008

SASsy Scrap Pink Crop ay ScrapAttack Scrapbooking

Tonight and tomorrow I will be at the ScrapAttack Scrapbooking forum participating in an online crop. These ladies have some great challenges and games going on. I went to hobby lobby and got tons of stuff at the 50%off scrapbooking sale! Those are my two favorite words, 50% off! Only thing better than that is 75% off! LOL! I was able to get loose papers, a couple of stacks, stickers, rub-ons, ink, stamps, a punch, flowers, bling, foam & felt shapes, an entire scrapbook kit that is normally $30, I got it for $6! And a few other odds and ends. Since I have been a good girl and not spent any money the past couple of months, hubby let me go a little crazy! And boy did it feel good!! Thanks again baby, that was some really great retail therapy! Now time to get a scrapping!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Recovering from Ike

After getting our power back almost a week ago we have been working hard to get the house back in order. I was also happy to get my computer back, talk about withdrawals! You never really realize how much time you spend on the computer until you don't have it any more. I am trying to get things back in order I have also made some time for more sketches.

Friday, September 19, 2008

We Don't Like Ike

Friday night we were prepared for Ike's fury, the sliding glass door and one main window were boarded up and the other windows were taped and cardboarded. At 10pm I put some Stouffer's lasagna in the oven and we sat down to watch Baby's Mama for an hour and a half while dinner cooked. At 11:30pm, with 9 minutes left to cook the lasagna, the power went out. We were half way through the movie but at least we got to eat a hot meal. At around 2 am the tropical winds started. By 3:30 am they were up to 100 mph. I could hear the wind whistling through the windows and doors, the rain pelting the roof, and many unknown objects hitting the side of the house. My husband & I, along with our three furrkids, were safely tucked away in an interior closest of our 3rd floor apartment. In the closet hubby fell asleep on our makeshift bed, the animals had settled into there respective spots, and i claimed my corner in the back where I had my reading table, book and lightwedge all ready to go. I must have read at least 150 pages while I sat there listening to Ike reek havoc on our city. I could not sleep until 7:30 am the next morning when the winds had considerably died down. I would like to thank the man or woman that invented the battery operated fan. Without two of them babies I think we would have been miserable.

Saturday afternoon the storm had finally moved past us onto the next unlucky town. Feeling that it was now safe to go outdoors, we took a look around the apartment complex. Several large trees had been uprooted, most small trees were riped right out of the ground, some strewn into the bushes, broken limbs were scattered everywhere, shingles from the rooves had been torn to shreds and dispursed like confetti, the pool was littered with debris from the trees along with the shredded shingles and who knows what else, leaves & mud covered the drains, sidewalks, and sides of the apartments and all of this was just looking around our complex. The rest of the city we wouldn't see for a few days. Back inside the apartment, we lit candles and set up flashlights around the living room so we could play scrabble and backgammon. Then it was off to bed in the coolest room in the house, the closest we rode out the storm in, we brought the ice chest into the room and set it in the doorway of the closet and taped one of the battery operated fans to the lid, instant swamp cooler! Using blankets we blocked off the enterance to the closest to keep in the cool air. Being able to sleep comfortably without power, and especially a/c, is very challenging to someone who has hot flashes and is used to sleeping in a 65 degree room, but I have to say the "swamp cooler" really worked.

Sunday morning around 10 am we tried to venture out on the streets. We drove to hubby's job and looked at the damage. All and all it looked like it withstood the storm with just a couple of large bay doors ruined and some water inside on the floor of the facility. Leaving there we decided to go a different way home, shortly down the road we learned this was a bad decision as the roads were still flooded, so turning to go down another street we get stuck with no choice except to drive through the high water along the flooded feeder road. We were able to jump two wheels upon a curb as we went drove through the water. As soon as we were past the flooding we made our way back home the same way we started out. At home while we were having lunch and listening to the radio, we heard they were giving out ice just a couple of blocks from where we live. So we got in the car and drove to the designated place and proceeded to wait in the longest organized line with the other hundreds of cars for an hour and a half to recieve 40 lbs of much needed ice. (To anyone who volunteered to help those of us in need, I would like to take this time to say a very heartfelt thanks, without you caring and giving of your time some of us would have lost even more precious food.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Riders on the Storm

Is what we feel like now. We are just waiting for Ike to release his fury. We have the sliding glass door boarded up and a few of the windows too. I have everything in the closet to survive for about a week. So hubby, me and our 3 furrbabies will be hiding in closet when it gets bad. I'll post when the storm is over if I have power.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Here Comes The Hurricane

Hurricane Ike is knocking on my door! At 35 miles NW of the place it's forecasted to hit, we have decided we are staying and hunkering down! We have gotten everything you can think of to keep us safe and help us survive when the power goes out! We even have a closet that we can get into should the storm become too servere. So please say a prayer for us. Here's what Ike looks like right now.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

ShortCuts Clear & Frosted Card Blanks

WOW! These Clear Cards Blanks at SheetLoad ShortCuts look cool. Imagine all the time you could save by not having to do all the doodling or rubons by hand. And I heard they are finger print resistant too! Think I'm gonna have to get me some.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

SOTW 9-9-08

I actually did the lo first and copied the sketched from it! I really loved how this page turned out. And BTW they had a blast riding with the professional drivers!


My Example:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

SOTW 9-2-08

Missed last week because of this darn headache again.

Here's this week's sketch:

Bonus Card:

2007-08 Scrapbook Projects